lay hold of


lay hold of 的定义

  1. Grasp, seize on, as in He clutched at branches, shrubs, anything he could lay hold of to break his fall. [First half of 1500s] Also see get hold of.

lay hold of 近义词

lay hold of

等同于 seize

lay hold of

等同于 take

lay hold of

等同于 usurp

lay hold of

等同于 catch

lay hold of

等同于 come by

lay hold of 的近义词 6
lay hold of 的反义词 3
lay hold of

等同于 get

lay hold of 的近义词 6
lay hold of 的反义词 3

更多lay hold of例句

  1. Blacks would hold about 13 percent of the seats and Latinos 17 percent.
  2. One police officer was coolly dispatched as he lay wounded on the sidewalk.
  3. Tomorrow they should hold placards of the cartoons Charlie Hebdo had printed.
  4. Yeah, the “Giant man-puppy” that is Gronkowski won't hold a sexual candle to the blue-eyed dreamboat.
  5. But how much they have regained or how durable their hold is remains unclear.
  6. Most of the men leaped up, caught hold of spears or knives, and rushed out.
  7. He was too drowsy to hold the thought more than a moment in his mind, much less to reflect upon it.
  8. A small book, bound in full purple calf, lay half hidden in a nest of fine tissue paper on the dressing-table.
  9. The seed of discontent was again germinating under the duplicity of the Spanish lay and clerical authorities.
  10. At the sight, Felipe flung himself on his knees before her; he kissed the aged hands as they lay trembling in her lap.